Watching endless videos on YouTube, constant texting, repeatedly playing video games on tablet or staring at the T.V. for hours can all boil down to excessive screen time. In turn a child’s attention span, social skills, sleep and/or academic performance may be affected. Obesity, sleep disturbance, behavior problems and impact on learning are just some of the negative effects that are being researched in relation to excessive screen time.
Although children are and likely will continue to be surrounded by screens, whether it’s computers, phones, tablets, or t.v’s, we owe it to our children’s brains to schedule at minimum, a weekly Digital Detox.
What exactly is a Digital Detox? Simply put, unplugging a child’s mind from technology and nourishing it with face to face conversation, going outside and exploring nature, playing non video games with friends and family, or even just sitting and reading a good book (not on Kindle).
Since we as adults are just as likely to overdo screen time and sometimes forget ourselves how to nurture our brain, I have compiled the following list for a successful digital diet.
5 Hints For a Successful Digital Diet
1. Checkmate-Play Board Games
Playing board games requires no screens and is an excellent way to exercise a child's speech and language skills. Social engagement, turn-taking, following directions and learning rules of winning and losing games are encompassed in playing a board game and are all part of effective communication and social interaction.
2. It's a Team Effort-Get Outdoors and Play
Ditch the tablet and move outdoors. Whether it's a joint effort at Tug-of-War, tossing a baseball with a friend, or biking with a buddy, engaging in outdoor activities with friends and family guarantees communication opportunities, especially social skills. Learning how to give and follow directions, verbally problem solve and converse with others are all products of outdoor play.
3. Let's Chat-Encourage Girl or Boy Talk
Rest the fingers and talk to each other. One of the best ways to improve communication is by practicing communicating. Engaging in conversation with a bestie helps to encourage sharing of information, expression of emotions, listening skills and understanding the perspective of others.
4. I Spy With My Little Eye...Nature
Put Minecraft down and search for bugs instead. Want to see your child's vocabulary soar? Exploring the outdoors offers abundant opportunities to discuss and teach vocabulary relating to animals, plants, and weather. Hiking, bird watching, kayaking, beach combing are just some of the natural educational activities that can provide language enrichment.
5. Once Upon A Time-Read
Take a break on watching the latest Fails video and discover an exciting, imaginary world. Reading is one of the best sources of enhancing language skills. Acquiring new vocabulary, comprehending text, visualizing, using the imagination and learning structure of words are just some of the outcomes of taking the time to read.